tiddabus -

Day 8: Three words you can’t go a day without using.

Day 1: Ten random facts about yourself.
Day 2: Nine things you do every day.
Day 3: Eight things that annoy you.
Day 4: Seven fears/phobias.
Day 5: Six songs that you’re addicted to.
Day 6: Five things you can’t live without.
Day 7: Four memories you won’t forget.

Day 8: Three words you can’t go a day without using.
Day 9: Two things you wish you could do.
Day 10: One person you can trust.

1. Jag.
2. Älskar.
3. Dig.

Comments ♥
♥ Skrivet av: Marie

sv: Tack så mycket! =)

lägger till på Bloglovin

2011-02-14 @ 12:14:42
♥ Skrivet av: Elise

Jag älskar dig ♥

2011-02-15 @ 12:04:36

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